August 4, 2014
In This Issue
Our next meeting · Inspiration · FCC Interclub · Off Camera Flash· Northern Beaches Invitational Photographic Competition· Manfrotto Presentation · Camerally · National Comps· International Comps· Digital Playground· Photographic Trips· What’s On Pittwater· Image Mounts· Calibration· Club Patron
Our Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Pittwater Camera Club will be a competition evening on Monday, August 11th commencing at 7.45 pm.
The subject for the evening is ‘Travel’ and our judge for the night is the past President of the FCC, Alan Hitchell.
There is no definition for 'Travel' - we just would like images that will inspire us to perhaps visit the places you have captured.
Alan will also determine the best image of the night.
The winner will receive a $200.00 voucher redeemable against Korjo travel accessories and/or travel guide books which are in stock at Newport Travel. We at Pittwater Camera Club are great travellers, there is always someone heading off to the four corners of the world, so this generous prize will really be appreciated by one lucky member.
Many thanks to Chris of Newport Travel for donating this fantastic prize.
Please send your two (2) digital images to Mike at [email protected] before 8.00 pm Sunday, August 10th.
We look forward to seeing you then.
Feel you need a little inspiration with your Travel photography? Pop on over to National Geographic and check out the images in their 2014 Photo Contest.
FCC Interclub
The annual FCC Interclub will this year be held on October 26th. Entry opens on September 1st and closes on September 19th.
There have been several changes made to the FCC Interclub - the major change being that all entries will be submitted and judged digitally.
The top scoring photographers will then be asked to supply a print for the exhibitions.
As we currently hold all entries on the club computer this will make the selection process much easier for us.
As there have been so many changes made regarding entry to the Interclub, please click on the Notices tab above to read them for yourself.
Off Camera Flash
Malcolm Fackender has sent along his updated notes on Off Camera Flash, his notes can be found via the Resources tab on our website.
Northern Beaches Invitational Photographic Competition
This year the competition will be held on September 17th in the Oaks Room at Dee Why RSL Club commencing at 7.30 pm and hosted by our friends at Dee Why RSL Camera Club.
There are some terrific prizes up for grabs including prizes from Epson, Manfrotto, Peninsula Reflections and Imagebank.
The Invitational is run along similar lines to the FCC Topshot in that YOU decide which image/s you wish to enter.
There are two (2) sections, a) Projected images, b) Prints - only one (1) entry per section per member.
As long as you were a member of a competing club prior to June 11, 2014 you will be allowed to enter.
More info can be found under our Notices tab.
We will advise you shortly when we want you to bring your selected print along and also where to send your digital entry.
Manfrotto Presentation
Dee Why RSL Camera Club would like to invite ALL our members to attend a presentation by Manfrotto to be held at DYRSL on Wednesday August 6th, commencing at 7.30 pm.
Manfrotto are a major sponsor of the Northern Beaches Invitational Photographic Competition and you attendance is a means of thanking both Manfrotto and DYRSL Camera Club.
Peter Mulholland from Manfrotto will be presenting their product range which not only includes tripods, tripod heads, camera bags and rain covers, but also their latest product, filters. Manfrotto have developed a new range of lens filters which are affordable and yet exceed the standards of many other of the major filter manufacturers, so this aspect of the presentation should be extremely interesting. A selection of Manfrotto products will be brought along for us to have a look at on the night.
Camerally will be held in March 2015. For those who have never attended, Camerally represents an opportunity for everyone interested in photography to get together for a weekend of fun, renewing friendships and creating new ones and of course lectures and workshops by some of the most well know Australian professional photographers.
Spaces are very limited and the few available will go quickly.
Registration form and more info can be found under the Notices tab.
National Comps
Parks, People, Planet – Awesome Photo Competition Closing Date: Sept 30th - http://www.wpcsaved.com/
Australian Photography
Lots of comps here - http://www.australianphotography.com/
International Comps
7th International Contest of Photography NARAVA 2014 - Closing Date: August 20th - www.fotodrustvo-grca.si/narava.html
Aesthetica Art Prize - Closing Date: Aug 31st - www.aestheticamagazine.com/artprize
8th Mondial de Limours - Closing Date: Sept 1st - http://mondial.photoclublimours.fr/
Adriatic Exhibition PCA Photo Club Arizona - Closing Date: Sept 18th – http://www.pca-exhibition.com/adriatic/home
Belgrade Photo International Salon 2014 - Closing Date: Oct 1st - http://beogradfoto.rs
5th Exhibition of Photographs 'Man and Work 2014' - Closing Date: Oct 4th - www.photoclub-bor.com
9th French Digital Tour, Circuit 2014 - Closing Date: Oct 12th - http://frenchdigitaltour.com
Aphrodite International Online Photo Competition 2014 - Closing Date: 30th Nov - http://www.aphrodite2014.iopc.photography/
Digital Playground
Don’t miss the opportunity to see and hear 20 world class speakers over 3 days, including Mike Langford, Jackie Rankin, Peter Eastway, Matt Granger, David Oliver – the list goes on.
Digital Playground will be held at Luna Park from 12th to 14th September.
Register at www.thedigitalplayground.com.au/speakers-2
Photographic Trips
Sacred Earth Safaris tour and workshop to Kadaku in October, more info at www.sacredearthsafaris.com.au
Andrea Robinson, is someone many of us remember as a guest speaker, is now conducting photographic tours and workshops.
For more info http://phototourexperts.com/tours/
Antarctic Photographic Expedition with Canon accredited photography workshops with Aurora Expeditions on December 12, 2014 http://www.auroraexpeditions.com.au/
What’s On Pittwater
Another of our members, Chris Riou of Newport Travel, has a terrific web site listing absolutely everything that is going on in the Pittwater area.
The site is continually updated, so if you are running short of photographic ideas take a look at http://whatsonpittwater.com.au/wp/ For those who prefer Facebook, the link is https://www.facebook.com/whatsonnorthernbeaches
Image Mounts
Peninsula Reflections at Warriewood very kindly supply mat boards to the club at prices that cannot be bettered anywhere. If you wish to purchase boards at any time just talk to Brian at the door.
If you are unsure how to mount an image just go to our web site, click on Resources or Ctrl + click here
Calibrating your monitor is an essential part of ensuring that the image you see on your monitor at home closely resembles what the judges and members see up on the screen on a competition night. Correct calibration also helps to ensure that your printed image closely matches what you see on your monitor.
The club has a calibrator that we lend out to members to assist with this.
Please talk to Peter, Brian, Bill or myself if you wish to borrow the calibrator.
Club Patron
Brent Pearson inspires with his photography and techniques. His love of photography and his passion for sharing his knowledge serves as a great role model for fellow photographers. Visit Brent's website - Ctrl + click here
In This Issue
Our next meeting · Inspiration · FCC Interclub · Off Camera Flash· Northern Beaches Invitational Photographic Competition· Manfrotto Presentation · Camerally · National Comps· International Comps· Digital Playground· Photographic Trips· What’s On Pittwater· Image Mounts· Calibration· Club Patron
Our Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Pittwater Camera Club will be a competition evening on Monday, August 11th commencing at 7.45 pm.
The subject for the evening is ‘Travel’ and our judge for the night is the past President of the FCC, Alan Hitchell.
There is no definition for 'Travel' - we just would like images that will inspire us to perhaps visit the places you have captured.
Alan will also determine the best image of the night.
The winner will receive a $200.00 voucher redeemable against Korjo travel accessories and/or travel guide books which are in stock at Newport Travel. We at Pittwater Camera Club are great travellers, there is always someone heading off to the four corners of the world, so this generous prize will really be appreciated by one lucky member.
Many thanks to Chris of Newport Travel for donating this fantastic prize.
Please send your two (2) digital images to Mike at [email protected] before 8.00 pm Sunday, August 10th.
We look forward to seeing you then.
Feel you need a little inspiration with your Travel photography? Pop on over to National Geographic and check out the images in their 2014 Photo Contest.
FCC Interclub
The annual FCC Interclub will this year be held on October 26th. Entry opens on September 1st and closes on September 19th.
There have been several changes made to the FCC Interclub - the major change being that all entries will be submitted and judged digitally.
The top scoring photographers will then be asked to supply a print for the exhibitions.
As we currently hold all entries on the club computer this will make the selection process much easier for us.
As there have been so many changes made regarding entry to the Interclub, please click on the Notices tab above to read them for yourself.
Off Camera Flash
Malcolm Fackender has sent along his updated notes on Off Camera Flash, his notes can be found via the Resources tab on our website.
Northern Beaches Invitational Photographic Competition
This year the competition will be held on September 17th in the Oaks Room at Dee Why RSL Club commencing at 7.30 pm and hosted by our friends at Dee Why RSL Camera Club.
There are some terrific prizes up for grabs including prizes from Epson, Manfrotto, Peninsula Reflections and Imagebank.
The Invitational is run along similar lines to the FCC Topshot in that YOU decide which image/s you wish to enter.
There are two (2) sections, a) Projected images, b) Prints - only one (1) entry per section per member.
As long as you were a member of a competing club prior to June 11, 2014 you will be allowed to enter.
More info can be found under our Notices tab.
We will advise you shortly when we want you to bring your selected print along and also where to send your digital entry.
Manfrotto Presentation
Dee Why RSL Camera Club would like to invite ALL our members to attend a presentation by Manfrotto to be held at DYRSL on Wednesday August 6th, commencing at 7.30 pm.
Manfrotto are a major sponsor of the Northern Beaches Invitational Photographic Competition and you attendance is a means of thanking both Manfrotto and DYRSL Camera Club.
Peter Mulholland from Manfrotto will be presenting their product range which not only includes tripods, tripod heads, camera bags and rain covers, but also their latest product, filters. Manfrotto have developed a new range of lens filters which are affordable and yet exceed the standards of many other of the major filter manufacturers, so this aspect of the presentation should be extremely interesting. A selection of Manfrotto products will be brought along for us to have a look at on the night.
Camerally will be held in March 2015. For those who have never attended, Camerally represents an opportunity for everyone interested in photography to get together for a weekend of fun, renewing friendships and creating new ones and of course lectures and workshops by some of the most well know Australian professional photographers.
Spaces are very limited and the few available will go quickly.
Registration form and more info can be found under the Notices tab.
National Comps
Parks, People, Planet – Awesome Photo Competition Closing Date: Sept 30th - http://www.wpcsaved.com/
Australian Photography
Lots of comps here - http://www.australianphotography.com/
International Comps
7th International Contest of Photography NARAVA 2014 - Closing Date: August 20th - www.fotodrustvo-grca.si/narava.html
Aesthetica Art Prize - Closing Date: Aug 31st - www.aestheticamagazine.com/artprize
8th Mondial de Limours - Closing Date: Sept 1st - http://mondial.photoclublimours.fr/
Adriatic Exhibition PCA Photo Club Arizona - Closing Date: Sept 18th – http://www.pca-exhibition.com/adriatic/home
Belgrade Photo International Salon 2014 - Closing Date: Oct 1st - http://beogradfoto.rs
5th Exhibition of Photographs 'Man and Work 2014' - Closing Date: Oct 4th - www.photoclub-bor.com
9th French Digital Tour, Circuit 2014 - Closing Date: Oct 12th - http://frenchdigitaltour.com
Aphrodite International Online Photo Competition 2014 - Closing Date: 30th Nov - http://www.aphrodite2014.iopc.photography/
Digital Playground
Don’t miss the opportunity to see and hear 20 world class speakers over 3 days, including Mike Langford, Jackie Rankin, Peter Eastway, Matt Granger, David Oliver – the list goes on.
Digital Playground will be held at Luna Park from 12th to 14th September.
Register at www.thedigitalplayground.com.au/speakers-2
Photographic Trips
Sacred Earth Safaris tour and workshop to Kadaku in October, more info at www.sacredearthsafaris.com.au
Andrea Robinson, is someone many of us remember as a guest speaker, is now conducting photographic tours and workshops.
For more info http://phototourexperts.com/tours/
Antarctic Photographic Expedition with Canon accredited photography workshops with Aurora Expeditions on December 12, 2014 http://www.auroraexpeditions.com.au/
What’s On Pittwater
Another of our members, Chris Riou of Newport Travel, has a terrific web site listing absolutely everything that is going on in the Pittwater area.
The site is continually updated, so if you are running short of photographic ideas take a look at http://whatsonpittwater.com.au/wp/ For those who prefer Facebook, the link is https://www.facebook.com/whatsonnorthernbeaches
Image Mounts
Peninsula Reflections at Warriewood very kindly supply mat boards to the club at prices that cannot be bettered anywhere. If you wish to purchase boards at any time just talk to Brian at the door.
If you are unsure how to mount an image just go to our web site, click on Resources or Ctrl + click here
Calibrating your monitor is an essential part of ensuring that the image you see on your monitor at home closely resembles what the judges and members see up on the screen on a competition night. Correct calibration also helps to ensure that your printed image closely matches what you see on your monitor.
The club has a calibrator that we lend out to members to assist with this.
Please talk to Peter, Brian, Bill or myself if you wish to borrow the calibrator.
Club Patron
Brent Pearson inspires with his photography and techniques. His love of photography and his passion for sharing his knowledge serves as a great role model for fellow photographers. Visit Brent's website - Ctrl + click here

Proudly Sponsored by Pittwater RSL Club