" A good photographer records ; a great photographer reveals."
Not a member of our Facebook page yet? You are encouraged to join - this is the place to get lots of tips, advice and help, to see what other members are up to and be able to stay in touch between meetings.
Just follow this link. www.facebook.com/groups/pittcameraclub/ Digital Image Titling
PLEASE ensure your digital images are TITLED and include your FULL NAME as per the instructions on our website.
Use only lower case characters with no spaces. Use underscore in place of spaces. eg: the_shearers_ben_jones.jpg All digital images are to be sent to [email protected] no later than 11.00pm on Saturday night (2 days before the competition). Your post has been removed: censorship & photography
The practice of photography has been fraught with censorship since the inception of the medium itself. But at a time when politics are increasingly divisive and algorithms are playing a larger role in our consumption of images, censorship is more complex and more complicated than ever. Sam Edmonds investigates.
www.capturemag.com.au/advice/your-post-has-been-removed-censorship-and-photography?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter%20-%207%20Oct%202020&utm_content=Newsletter%20-%207%20Oct%202020+CID_207e771ebcd2243a585ecd68fc65e13b&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=By%20Tyler%20Hicks%20%202018%20The%20New%20York%20Times%20Reprinted%20by%20Permission%20Image%20of%207-year-old%20Amal%20Hussain%20%20a%20victim%20of%20the%20ongoing%20war%20in%20Yemen FCC Newsletter August
The latest edition of the FCC ( Federation of Camera Clubs) NSW newsletter is available by following the link
fccnsw.myphotoclub.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/143/2020/08/FCC-F-August-2020.pdf 52Frames Weekly Photography
Other bits and pieces which should be of interest.Sydney International Exhibition of Photography www.siep.org.au Len Metcalf lensschool.com Adam Williams ( for inspiration and workshops) www.australianphotographer.com Luke Tscharke, (for great astrophotography tips and workshops) luketscharke.com Pamela Pauline ( local fine art photographic artist ) www.pamelapauline.com Peter Coulson (inspiration for fashion photography, great studio lighting and workshops) www.peter-coulson.com.au Greg Benz Photography for tutorials and newsletter www.gregbenzphotography.com Alfonso Calero ( for travel photography workshops) www.alfonso.com.au/sydney-photography-courses/ Mark Galer, Adobe Ambassador www.markgaler.com Photoshop Cafe ( loads of free tutorials ) photoshopcafe.com Phlearn (easy to follow tutorials, many of them are free, you don't have to subscribe ) www.phlearn.com www.beckhamdigital.com.au (go to more , then newsletter) for some awesome tuitions. Thanks Alan for this one! For a different perspective and inspiring photography, have a look at Erika Zolli Photography www.erikazolli.it Just click on the links or google any of the above for more information. Other items of interest are also being posted directly to our Facebook page, so please like us and share with your friends. |