Our next meeting will be held on September 26th
Our last meetingIt was a fun night at our last meeting when everyone present got to vote for the image they thought deserved to win the coveted 'Travel' prize. Our winner was Mike Fisher, whose stunning image 'Bagan Sunset' appears opposite.
Mike was the winner of a travel book presented to him by Chris Riou of Newport Travel, sponsors of our Travel comp. Thanks go to our two judges on the night, Bob Hunting and Bill Roberts. It was very much an eye opener for us all to see how two different judges can come up with very different opinions on the merits of an image. Special thanks must go to Chris Riou whose continued support of Pittwater Camera Club has meant that a travel night will be on our agenda for another year. Thanks Chris. ReminderDon't forget to send a digital image, set to the usual size format, of any printed image that scores higher than 12 points to Mike West at [email protected].
Also, for those unfamiliar with the rules - an image may only be entered to a maximum of 3 times EVER. For a more detailed explanation, please read the bottom of your Competition Entry Form. September Birthday DrawWill you be a winner? We still have some great gifts up for grabs. As we did not have a draw at our last meeting we will definitely be having it on Monday September 26th.
Bagan Sunset - Mike Fisher
FCC FstopPortfolio Group Reminder
Our next meeting will be held tonight September 19th at Pittwater RSL at 7.30 pm.
Our calendarFor all the latest things to do and places to go don't forget to refer to our club calendar which appears at the bottom of all newsletters and is also reachable via the club website.
If you already have a personal Google calendar - you can link our club calendar to yours. Check out the how to's on Google. Camerally 2017Details of Camerally 2017 has just been released. Camerally is a great way to catch up with old friends and make new friends at a 2 day camp at Yarramundi. For those who have attended in previous years you have maybe registered already. For those who are thinking about it - get in quick - places fill up overnight. We will be going, will you?
More info can be found under the 'Workshops' tab at the top. |