Our next meeting will be held on September 12th
Our definitionPhotographs that capture the feeling of a time and place, and portray a land, people or culture. Photos can be from Australia or abroad.
Please send your digital images to Mike at [email protected] before 8.00 pm, September 11th Our last meetingWow, what a night with Cade Turner. Cade describes himself as a romanticist and his work really reflects his unconventional approach to photography. Cade will be an exhibitor at the Manly Art Gallery & Museum for September 9 till October 23 if you would like to check his work out in closer detail.
September Birthday DrawWill you be a winner? We still have some great gifts up for grabs. All you have to do is be present when we make the draw at one of our meetings in September.
Camerally 2017Details of Camerally 2017 has just been released. Camerally is a great way to catch up with old friends and make new friends at a 2 day camp at Yarramundi. For those who have attended in previous years you have maybe registered already. For those who are thinking about it - get in quick - places fill up overnight. We will be going, will you?
More info can be found under the 'Workshops' tab at the top. |
FCC Interclub 2016Thanks to everyone who submitted prints for the upcoming FCC Interclub. An email detailing acceptances was sent out to you over the weekend. Prints that did not make the cut will be returned to you at the next meeting.
One of Cade Turners images
SpottedDid you spot the superb bird image in Saturdays Manly Daily by our very own John Taylor. The image is being used by the Northern Beaches Council to advertise their Fauna Festival,
September 3 - 11. Portfolio Group Reminder
Our next meetings will be held tonight September 5th and 19th, at Pittwater RSL at 7.30 pm.
Our calendarFor all the latest things to do and places to go don't forget to refer to our club calendar which appears at the bottom of all newsletters and is also reachable via the club website.
If you already have a personal Google calendar - you can link our club calendar to yours. Check out the how to's on Google. |