Click here for Pittwater Camera Club website
Our updated program for the rest of the year is now available on the Club website.
Please refer to it for any changes and additions. Night photography
When the moon is in the seventh house , and Jupiter aligns with Mars , then peace will guide the planets and the Milky Way will align with Barrenjoey Lighthouse. ( Apologies to 5th Dimension ).
From the 18th August to 21st the Milky Way looks to align to the Barrenjoey Lighthouse and seeing there will be little or no moon at a reasonable hour of the evening ( probably around 8 or 9 o'clock ) some of you astrophotographers may be interested in getting some images at North Palm Beach. If you park at the very end of North Palmy carpark, on the ocean side and walk north along the sand track about 100 metres towards the big sand dune beneath the headland , you get a great view of the headland and the lighthouse and hopefully the Milky Way reaching down to illuminate the beacon . Take a torch , and if you are a bit jumpy and are easily spooked , go with a friend or two. NASA Images
Ever wanted to look through an archive of the most amazing images ever taken of Space?
NASA have made their entire image library of more than 140,000 images publicly accessible, meaning they can be downloaded and edited to you heart's desire. See more at images.nasa.gov Adam Williams wins again
Adam Williams has been awarded AIPP NSW Photographer of the year for his amazing portfolio of images .
We have had Adam as a presenter and judge and to see him being recognised by his peers and awarded top honours by the AIPP, is great to see. Hopefully we can get him back at the club next year. www.australianphotographer.com Cold Hands???
Take a look at Vallereret photography gloves.
photographygloves.com I have just received a pair from Norway and they feel great. They are quite soft and flexible and a fairly snug fit so if you were thinking of wearing liners inside, you may want to go up in size. They are thin enough to not feel cumbersome when handling your camera gear and also have a grippy palm which adds extra security when changing lenses or mounts etc. The flip back finger tips make camera control very easy and I found that I didn't have any reason to remove them during a 2 hour night session as they are not at all bulky. All in all, a very comfortable (but quite pricey) glove that ticks all the boxes. Make art that speaks with your voice, instead of art that asks "Am I like the others? Am I good enough? "
Be inspired by things and peers around you, but don't frantically compare. A highly recommended book to get the creative juices flowing is The Photographers Mind by Michael Freeman. ( One of his many publications). Readily available as a download on amazon or as a used paperback through many U.S. sites. Thanks to Mike Maher and Peter Squires for this info. Another author who comes highly recommended is David Ward and his book Landscape Within: Insights and Inspiration for Photographers. Available through amazon |
Not a member of our Facebook page yet? You are encouraged to join - this is the place to get lots of tips, advice and help, to see what other members are up to and be able to stay in touch between meetings.
Just follow this link. www.facebook.com/groups/pittcameraclub/ "Be curious , not judgemental ".
Walt Whitman . Erika Zolli
For a different perspective and inspiring photography, have a look at Erika Zolli Photography www.erikazolli.it
Her surrealist style and particularly her graphic geometric images are refreshing and innovative. Our August workshop
Don't forget we are having a members run workshop later in August.
The format for the evening and the subjects are being finalised and relevant information will be sent out as soon as possible. Club SecretaryWe are still needing someone who can take on the role of Secretary.
Routine activities involve sending out email reminders and thank yous to presenters and judges, and helping with the yearly planning of all club events and competitions. If you feel you can spare a few hours each fortnight and would like to be more involved with the Club's general running and direction , please talk to Peter or Bill and we can fill you in on what is required. Image Science
Image Science is a Melbourne based company who are distributors for Eizo monitors , papers , inks , calibrators etc who now have a product made by Ilford called Ilford Galerie FineArt protect liquid .
This is a liquid solution designed to protect images printed on Ilford Galeries FineArt media as well as other Fine Art papers available in the market. Key benefits include: - Protects print against UV light - Improved scratch resistance - Maintains original tint, texture and colour of the image - Easy to apply - Non-hazardous Unlike a similar product made by Hahnemuhle , this product is NOT an aerosol and is odourless and contains non-hazardous materials. Black Lines 2017
The Black Lines architectural photography exhibition is back at Sydney's Black eye Gallery with works from a myriad of talented photographers.
The exhibition promises to turn "a critical eye on places and buildings often considered banal". For more information check out Blackeye's website blackeyegallery.com.au Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Current to 8th October .
100 images from the finalists and winners in the 2016 edition of the world's biggest wildlife photography competition. At the Australian National Maritime Museum , 2 Murray Street , Darling Harbour. For more information visit www.anmm.gov.au |
MomentoDon't forget - Momento offer a 30% discount to our financial members off their first order then all subsequent orders will receive an automatic 10% discount.
Hop over to http://www.momentopro.com.au/ to sign up. Other things worth looking at
Photo of the Year, Better Photography Magazine www.betterphotography.com (entries close 15th August) Foto Live (sponsored by Australian Photography) australianphotography.com (Sunday 20th August) Australian Photography Photographer of the Year www.australianphotography.com/poty ( Entries close 15 November , however there are cheaper rates for early bird entries ) Adam Williams ( for inspiration and workshops) www.australianphotographer.com Luke Tscharke, (for great astrophotography tips and workshops) luketscharke.com Alfonso Calero www.photographytravel.net ( for travel photography workshops and one of our upcoming judges) Len Metcalf lensschool.com Leonie Barton leoniebarton.com (great for creative inspiration) St. Ives Medieval Faire stivesmedievalfaire.com.au Mark Galer, Adobe Ambassador www.markgaler.com Photoshop Cafe ( loads of free tutorials ) photoshopcafe.com Phlearn (easy to follow tutorials, many of them are free, you don't have to subscribe ) www.phlearn.com www.beckhamdigital.com.au (go to more , then newsletter) for some awesome tuitions. Thanks Alan for this one! Just click on the links or google any of the above for more information. Other items of interest are also being posted directly to our Facebook page, so please like us and share with your friends. |