Our next meeting will be held on November 21st
Our last meetingAt the last competition evening for 2016, members submitted lots of great images for critiquing by Kerry Boytell. Thanks to all the members who helped carry the stands up and downstairs, your efforts were appreciated and enabled us to commence the meeting only just a little later than usual.
November Birthday DrawThe final draw for the remaining gifts in our birthday draw will be drawn at our AGM.
We have three prizes up for grabs - these are: A 12 month online subscription to Better Photography, donated by Peter Eastway Printing of 20 A3 images to the value of $70 including postage, donated by Photoenlargements The Green Desert book, donated by Peter Elfes To win you must be at the AGM. Christmas RaffleDon't forget to bring along to the AGM your contribution to our annual Christmas raffle. Any item to the value of no more than $15.00 will be gratefully received. So pop on your thinking caps and donate something that you would love to have if you are lucky enough to win one of our baskets.
Honeyeater by Darryl Bullock, just one of the images entered to our Open comp last Monday night.
TrophiesWere you the recipient of a trophy at our 2015 Images of the Year?
If you were please bring the trophy with you to the AGM as we need to have it updated with the winners name for 2017. If you cannot attend the meeting please let me know and we will arrange collection. Thanks. Images of the YearOur final meeting for 2016 will be held on December 5th. This is when the overall winners for 2016 are announced and our judge for the evening, Susan Buchanan, will decide the Image of the Year in the Colour Print, Mono Print and Digital sections.
Please invite your significant other to attend, along with family and friends. It is one of the few nights in the year when we get to interact with each other, so the more the merrier. A light supper will be provided but liquid refreshments are to be purchased by yourselves. More details in our next newsletter. Our calendarFor all the latest things to do and places to go don't forget to refer to our club calendar which appears at the bottom of all newsletters and is also reachable via the club website.
If you already have a personal Google calendar - you can link our club calendar to yours. Check out the how to's on Google. |