" Since I am inarticulate, I express myself with images."
Not a member of our Facebook page yet? You are encouraged to join - this is the place to get lots of tips, advice and help, to see what other members are up to and be able to stay in touch between meetings.
Just follow this link. www.facebook.com/groups/pittcameraclub/ Jim Crew's Creative Presentation
Our last meeting had all in attendance enthralled at the possibilities of what can be achieved with a little thought and planning.
None of the images presented by Jim were out of the capabilities of the average photographer , in fact many were of common kitchen items , however the way they were presented and the thought process behind each image was inspiring to say the least. Painting over a print with varnish for a painterly feel and breaking many of the so-called rules of photography certainly opened the eyes of many in attendance as to what is achievable in photography. If you get a chance to hear Jim present at any time, do yourself a favour and don't miss out. This was a case of those who did not attend, missed out on an educational and interesting evening. Great Reads for Creative Photography
Michael Freeman's book "Fifty Paths to Creative Photography is a book which you can read over and over and still find useful thoughts.
Stuart Spence's book "Yield" proves that sharpness in photography does not necessarily deliver a meaningful image. I have read these books time and time again and have never grown tired of their commentary. The Mobile Photography Awards were founded in 2011 to recognize and celebrate the talent and imagery of the mobile photo & art communities. Alongside our annual competition (October-December), we produce themed exhibits with international open calls throughout the year.
If it’s true what Henri Cartier-Bresson says, that our first 10,000 photos will be our worst, then mobile photography has given people an historic opportunity to quickly get past 10,001. The MPA is a showcase for photographers and artists who have embraced this decisive moment. mobilephotoawards.com/10th-annual-mpa-winners-honorable-mentions/ 52Frames Weekly Photography
Other bits and pieces which should be of interest.Sydney International Exhibition of Photography www.siep.org.au Adam Williams ( for inspiration and workshops) www.australianphotographer.com Luke Tscharke, (for great astrophotography tips and workshops) luketscharke.com Pamela Pauline ( local fine art photographic artist ) www.pamelapauline.com Alfonso Calero ( for travel photography workshops) www.alfonso.com.au/sydney-photography-courses/ Photoshop Cafe ( loads of free tutorials ) photoshopcafe.com For a different perspective and inspiring photography, have a look at Erika Zolli Photography www.erikazolli.it Just click on the links or google any of the above for more information. Other items of interest are also being posted directly to our Facebook page, so please like us and share with your friends. |