" When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their soul."
Not a member of our Facebook page yet? You are encouraged to join - this is the place to get lots of tips, advice and help, to see what other members are up to and be able to stay in touch between meetings.
Just follow this link. www.facebook.com/groups/pittcameraclub/ Digital Image Titling
PLEASE ensure your digital images are TITLED and include your FULL NAME as per the instructions on our website.
Use only lower case characters with no spaces. Use underscore in place of spaces. eg: the_shearers_ben_jones.jpg All digital images are to be sent to [email protected] no later than 11.00pm on Saturday night (2 days before the competition). FCC Newsletter March
The latest edition of the FCC ( Federation of Camera Clubs) NSW newsletter is available by following the link
fccnsw.myphotoclub.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/143/2020/03/FCC-F-Stop-March-2020-draft-1.pdf Seeing in Sixes
What if a portfolio was limited to six images, similar to the way haiku are limited to 17 syllables?
Our "Seeing in Sixes" challenge/project is the perfect opportunity to let your creative hair down. Your passion. Your project. Your experiment. This is not a competition but an outlet for you to show people what you are working on and to share your thoughts and images. There is a very fine line between six images that are repetitive and six images that are not. The best six-image projects can all be characterized as being composed of six related but independent images — the removal of any one of which would diminish the project. In fact, that’s not a bad way to approach editing. Ask of each image: Can I eliminate this image without diminishing the whole? With only six images to work with, ruthless editing is required to be sure each one adds something to the whole. One of the key ways that a group of images is bound together as a unified whole is via a common stylistic treatment. When all the images are, for example, soft-focus with a heavy vignette, then they will more likely be seen as related . If five of the images are soft-focus with a heavy vignette, but one of them is not, the odd one will look out of place. It simply won’t belong with the others. Every project needs a style, and it is one of the measurements of aesthetic success when the style employed enhances the emotional content of the project. Content may be King, but when a photographer selects a style for all the images, the content is polished for the best effect. The term “style,” by the way, should not be interpreted as some sort of complex Photoshop rendering. It may be, but straight-out-of-the-camera JPGs are a style, too. The question that needs to be addressed is whether or not a SOOC image is the best style to express the emotions you intend. The style (some people use the term “treatment”) is a conscious decision about how the project is best empowered by your aesthetic decisions. The style used with a single image is of far less importance than when presenting a group of images — say, six for example — that are intended to be viewed as a unified whole. And notice that the “style” I’m referring to here is not your style (a common misconception left over from old schools of thought), but rather the style for your project. If you develop three different Seeing in SIXES projects, you will need to develop the best style for each — and these will very likely be different from one another. We are photographers, so working with images is right in our wheelhouse. Part of the reason I think Seeing in SIXES has connected with so many photographers is because it is an ideal medium to combine image and idea. In fact, it’s the idea aspect that sets six-image projects apart. Images, by themselves, tend to show us what is, or perhaps an idealized what is — but have a limited capacity for expressing more complex ideas. The entire concept of Seeing in SIXES is to expand the camera from a mere recording device into a means of communication from a thinking photographer to their audience. Rewind
Rewind is a photolab in Sydney, specialising in film processing, scanning and professional printing.
"Our mission is to support the photographic community anyway possible. We’re happy to answer any questions relating to technique, lighting, film choices or how to work your camera. We’re located in Glebe, just off Broadway. Come in and drop your film off, pick up some new supplies or view the work in our gallery space." rewindphotolab.com.au/ Digital Photography School
Greetings from Digital Photography School.
While our world is facing some serious challenges (on many levels) right now and while we at dPS don’t feel equipped to do much about many of them we’ve been asking ourselves what we could offer our readers right now. One challenge we know many are facing is the inability to get out and about with their cameras due to rules about self-isolation, lockdowns and quarantine. As a result this week we wanted to send you some suggestions about how to do some photography - at home. Many of these projects are things you could do by yourself (or with your family) to get your mind off the current crisis and to tap into some creativity. 3 Fun Backgrounds for Portraits and Photo Booths You Can Create at Home 10 Amazing Photography Tricks You Can do at Home with Everyday Objects DIY Photography Hacks and Accessories You Can Make at Home 5 Tips How to Set Up a Home Studio for Dramatic Portraits An Exercise to Learn and Practice Shutter Speed at Home A Fun Project You Can do in Your Own Home – How to Create a Physiogram Also this week we launched our brand new At-Home 7-Day Photography Challenge We hope some of the above tutorials provide you with some fun. Don’t forget to have a dig around on our blog where there are thousands of other free tutorials for you to learn from. Stuck at home?
We'll help you learn Lightroom! We’re living in times unprecedented for most of us, with the situation changing daily. With so much anxiety over the COVID-19 virus, many are now restricted to being at home, perhaps with limited opportunities to enjoy shooting new photos. Here at the Lightroom Queen we want to support and help you in the very best way we can. For many, it's an opportunity to hone up Lightroom skills, sort out catalogs and keywords, perhaps get to grips with more advanced Develop skills. mailchi.mp/lightroomqueen/summer-sale-free-lightroom-ebook-and-more-1882373?e=8a8b9dc4c1 Mike Smyth recently made a presentation to Lane Cove Creative Photography called "Understanding Pictures" where he looked back at the history of image making and showed how the lessons learned by the great masters of painting are the same tools we use today in our photography. Gaining an understanding of the keys to great image making allows us to understand great works of art as well as informing our own image making.
He also looked at the key elements that makes some pictures "work", including understanding the two types of pictures, the essential elements of pictorial design and composition. He also explained how all these tools work together to make a completed image. mailchi.mp/3618f9489a05/phototutor-hints-and-tips-march-2020?e=99f2a2be8d Don't forget - Momento offer a 30% discount to our financial members off their first order then all subsequent orders will receive an automatic 10% discount.
Hop over to http://www.momentopro.com.au/ to sign up. |
Other bits and pieces which should be of interest.Sydney International Exhibition of Photography www.siep.org.au Len Metcalf lensschool.com Adam Williams ( for inspiration and workshops) www.australianphotographer.com Luke Tscharke, (for great astrophotography tips and workshops) luketscharke.com Pamela Pauline ( local fine art photographic artist ) www.pamelapauline.com Peter Coulson (inspiration for fashion photography, great studio lighting and workshops) www.peter-coulson.com.au Greg Benz Photography for tutorials and newsletter www.gregbenzphotography.com Alfonso Calero ( for travel photography workshops) www.alfonso.com.au/sydney-photography-courses/ Mark Galer, Adobe Ambassador www.markgaler.com Photoshop Cafe ( loads of free tutorials ) photoshopcafe.com Phlearn (easy to follow tutorials, many of them are free, you don't have to subscribe ) www.phlearn.com www.beckhamdigital.com.au (go to more , then newsletter) for some awesome tuitions. Thanks Alan for this one! For a different perspective and inspiring photography, have a look at Erika Zolli Photography www.erikazolli.it Just click on the links or google any of the above for more information. Other items of interest are also being posted directly to our Facebook page, so please like us and share with your friends. |