July 21, 2014
In This Issue
Our next meeting· Congratulations· FCC Interclub· Thank You· Northern Beaches Invitational· National Geographic Photographer· National Comps· International Comps· Digital Playground· Photographic Trips· What’s On Pittwater· Image Mounts· Calibration· Club Patron
Our Next Meeting
There is no meeting scheduled instead the Annual Dinner of the Pittwater Camera Club will be held on Monday, July 28th at the Pittwater RSL in the Peninsula Grill.
We will be meeting from 7 pm onwards.
Looking forward to as all our members and their partners coming along for what is always a relaxed and sociable evening.
See you then.
Several of our newer members received Merits and Credits for their first time entries to our competitions.
Ben received 1 Credit, Darryl 1 Merit and 2 Credits, Ian 2 Credits and Vaughan 1 Credit.
Well done guys.
FCC Interclub
The annual FCC Interclub will this year be held on October 26th. Entry opens on September 1st and closes on September 19th.
Our selectors will be calling for entries in August, more details on that at a later date.
Thank You
Our Vice President Bill has been very busy over the last few weeks making well overdue repairs to some of our equipment. So thanks Bill for fixing up and installing a lighting system to our print stand, we certainly enjoyed seeing our images displayed under a terrific lighting system last week.
Bill also made a large suitcase for safely transporting images to and from various interclubs, something we have needed for such a long time.
Thanks again Bill.
Northern Beaches Invitational
DYRSL Camera Club will once again be hosting the Invitational between DYRSL Camera Club, Manly Leagues Camera Club, Mosman Camera Club and Pittwater Camera Club.
The invitational is held along similar lines to the FCC Topshot competition, i.e, the member decides which image/s they wish to enter and that entrants must have been a financial member of their club prior to June 11, 2014.
The date for the invitational is Wednesday, September 17th and the venue is The Oak Room at DYRSL.
There will be some great prizes up for grabs from Epson and Manfrotto.
More info will be given in our next newsletter.
National Geographic Photographer
Explore a hidden universe through the eyes of one of the most prolific living photographers at National Geographic magazine. David Doubilet is a legend for his groundbreaking work beneath the waves. Doubilet has joked, we think he’s joking, that he’s spent more of his waking hours underwater than on dry land. He’ll lead you on a visual journey from his most recent National Geographic assignments, from the tropics to the polar ice.
Appearing at the Opera House in the Joan Sutherland Theatre on July 27th, this promises to be a 'not to be missed event'.
More info at http://events.nationalgeographic.com/events/speakers/2014/07/27/coral-fire-ice-syd/
National Comps
The Sydney International Exhibition of Photography - Closing Date: 28th July - http://www.siep.org.au/
Redlands Camera Club National Comp - Closing Date: Aug 4th - http://www.redlandscameraclub.org.au/exhibitions.html
26th Sutherland Shire National Exhibition of Photography - Closing Date: Aug 22nd - http://www.ssnep.org.au/
Parks, People, Planet – Awesome Photo Competition - Closing Date: Sept 30th - http://www.wpcsaved.com/
Australian Photography Newsletter
Lots of comps here - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/staff/Newsletters/AP%20Newsletter%20June%202014.pdf
International CompsCorsica Grand Exhibition 2014 - Closing Date: August 16th - http://www.pca-exhibition.com/corsica/home
7th International Contest of Photography NARAVA 2014 - Closing Date: August 20th - www.fotodrustvo-grca.si/narava.html
Aesthetica Art Prize - Closing Date: Aug 31st - www.aestheticamagazine.com/artprize
8th Mondial de Limours - Closing Date: Sept 1st - http://mondial.photoclublimours.fr/
Adriatic Exhibition PCA Photo Club Arizona - Closing Date: Sept 18th – http://www.pca-exhibition.com/adriatic/home
10th Swansea International Salon of Photography - Closing Date: Sept 21 - http://www.swanseaintsalon.co.uk
9th French Digital Tour, Circuit 2014 - Closing Date: Oct 12th - http://frenchdigitaltour.com
Aphrodite International Online Photo Competition 2014 - Closing Date: 30th Nov - http://www.aphrodite2014.iopc.photography/
Digital Playground
Don’t miss the opportunity to see and hear 20 world class speakers over 3 days, including Mike Langford, Jackie Rankin, Peter Eastway, Matt Granger, David Oliver – the list goes on.
Book on line before July 31 and save 40%.
Digital Playground will be held at Luna Park from 12th to 14th September.
Register at www.thedigitalplayground.com.au/speakers-2
Photographic Trips
Andrea Robinson, is someone many of us remember as a guest speaker, is now conducting photographic tours and workshops.
For more info http://phototourexperts.com/tours/
Antarctic Photographic Expedition with Canon accredited photography workshops with Aurora Expeditions on December 12, 2014 http://www.auroraexpeditions.com.au/
India Jeep Tours - January, February 2015 - indiajeeptours.com
What’s On Pittwater
Another of our members, Chris Riou of Newport Travel, has a terrific web site listing absolutely everything that is going on in the Pittwater area.
The site is continually updated, so if you are running short of photographic ideas take a look at http://whatsonpittwater.com.au/wp/
For those who prefer Facebook, the link is https://www.facebook.com/whatsonnorthernbeaches
Image Mounts
Peninsula Reflections at Warriewood very kindly supply mat boards to the club at prices that cannot be bettered anywhere. If you wish to purchase boards at any time just talk to Brian at the door.
If you are unsure how to mount an image just go to our web site, click on Resources or Ctrl + click here
Calibrating your monitor is an essential part of ensuring that the image you see on your monitor at home closely resembles what the judges and members see up on the screen on a competition night. Correct calibration also helps to ensure that your printed image closely matches what you see on your monitor.
The club has a calibrator that we lend out to members to assist with this.
Please talk to Peter, Brian, Bill or myself if you wish to borrow the calibrator.
Club Patron
Brent Pearson inspires with his photography and techniques. His love of photography and his passion for sharing his knowledge serves as a great role model for fellow photographers. Visit Brent's website - Ctrl + click here
In This Issue
Our next meeting· Congratulations· FCC Interclub· Thank You· Northern Beaches Invitational· National Geographic Photographer· National Comps· International Comps· Digital Playground· Photographic Trips· What’s On Pittwater· Image Mounts· Calibration· Club Patron
Our Next Meeting
There is no meeting scheduled instead the Annual Dinner of the Pittwater Camera Club will be held on Monday, July 28th at the Pittwater RSL in the Peninsula Grill.
We will be meeting from 7 pm onwards.
Looking forward to as all our members and their partners coming along for what is always a relaxed and sociable evening.
See you then.
Several of our newer members received Merits and Credits for their first time entries to our competitions.
Ben received 1 Credit, Darryl 1 Merit and 2 Credits, Ian 2 Credits and Vaughan 1 Credit.
Well done guys.
FCC Interclub
The annual FCC Interclub will this year be held on October 26th. Entry opens on September 1st and closes on September 19th.
Our selectors will be calling for entries in August, more details on that at a later date.
Thank You
Our Vice President Bill has been very busy over the last few weeks making well overdue repairs to some of our equipment. So thanks Bill for fixing up and installing a lighting system to our print stand, we certainly enjoyed seeing our images displayed under a terrific lighting system last week.
Bill also made a large suitcase for safely transporting images to and from various interclubs, something we have needed for such a long time.
Thanks again Bill.
Northern Beaches Invitational
DYRSL Camera Club will once again be hosting the Invitational between DYRSL Camera Club, Manly Leagues Camera Club, Mosman Camera Club and Pittwater Camera Club.
The invitational is held along similar lines to the FCC Topshot competition, i.e, the member decides which image/s they wish to enter and that entrants must have been a financial member of their club prior to June 11, 2014.
The date for the invitational is Wednesday, September 17th and the venue is The Oak Room at DYRSL.
There will be some great prizes up for grabs from Epson and Manfrotto.
More info will be given in our next newsletter.
National Geographic Photographer
Explore a hidden universe through the eyes of one of the most prolific living photographers at National Geographic magazine. David Doubilet is a legend for his groundbreaking work beneath the waves. Doubilet has joked, we think he’s joking, that he’s spent more of his waking hours underwater than on dry land. He’ll lead you on a visual journey from his most recent National Geographic assignments, from the tropics to the polar ice.
Appearing at the Opera House in the Joan Sutherland Theatre on July 27th, this promises to be a 'not to be missed event'.
More info at http://events.nationalgeographic.com/events/speakers/2014/07/27/coral-fire-ice-syd/
National Comps
The Sydney International Exhibition of Photography - Closing Date: 28th July - http://www.siep.org.au/
Redlands Camera Club National Comp - Closing Date: Aug 4th - http://www.redlandscameraclub.org.au/exhibitions.html
26th Sutherland Shire National Exhibition of Photography - Closing Date: Aug 22nd - http://www.ssnep.org.au/
Parks, People, Planet – Awesome Photo Competition - Closing Date: Sept 30th - http://www.wpcsaved.com/
Australian Photography Newsletter
Lots of comps here - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/staff/Newsletters/AP%20Newsletter%20June%202014.pdf
International CompsCorsica Grand Exhibition 2014 - Closing Date: August 16th - http://www.pca-exhibition.com/corsica/home
7th International Contest of Photography NARAVA 2014 - Closing Date: August 20th - www.fotodrustvo-grca.si/narava.html
Aesthetica Art Prize - Closing Date: Aug 31st - www.aestheticamagazine.com/artprize
8th Mondial de Limours - Closing Date: Sept 1st - http://mondial.photoclublimours.fr/
Adriatic Exhibition PCA Photo Club Arizona - Closing Date: Sept 18th – http://www.pca-exhibition.com/adriatic/home
10th Swansea International Salon of Photography - Closing Date: Sept 21 - http://www.swanseaintsalon.co.uk
9th French Digital Tour, Circuit 2014 - Closing Date: Oct 12th - http://frenchdigitaltour.com
Aphrodite International Online Photo Competition 2014 - Closing Date: 30th Nov - http://www.aphrodite2014.iopc.photography/
Digital Playground
Don’t miss the opportunity to see and hear 20 world class speakers over 3 days, including Mike Langford, Jackie Rankin, Peter Eastway, Matt Granger, David Oliver – the list goes on.
Book on line before July 31 and save 40%.
Digital Playground will be held at Luna Park from 12th to 14th September.
Register at www.thedigitalplayground.com.au/speakers-2
Photographic Trips
Andrea Robinson, is someone many of us remember as a guest speaker, is now conducting photographic tours and workshops.
For more info http://phototourexperts.com/tours/
Antarctic Photographic Expedition with Canon accredited photography workshops with Aurora Expeditions on December 12, 2014 http://www.auroraexpeditions.com.au/
India Jeep Tours - January, February 2015 - indiajeeptours.com
What’s On Pittwater
Another of our members, Chris Riou of Newport Travel, has a terrific web site listing absolutely everything that is going on in the Pittwater area.
The site is continually updated, so if you are running short of photographic ideas take a look at http://whatsonpittwater.com.au/wp/
For those who prefer Facebook, the link is https://www.facebook.com/whatsonnorthernbeaches
Image Mounts
Peninsula Reflections at Warriewood very kindly supply mat boards to the club at prices that cannot be bettered anywhere. If you wish to purchase boards at any time just talk to Brian at the door.
If you are unsure how to mount an image just go to our web site, click on Resources or Ctrl + click here
Calibrating your monitor is an essential part of ensuring that the image you see on your monitor at home closely resembles what the judges and members see up on the screen on a competition night. Correct calibration also helps to ensure that your printed image closely matches what you see on your monitor.
The club has a calibrator that we lend out to members to assist with this.
Please talk to Peter, Brian, Bill or myself if you wish to borrow the calibrator.
Club Patron
Brent Pearson inspires with his photography and techniques. His love of photography and his passion for sharing his knowledge serves as a great role model for fellow photographers. Visit Brent's website - Ctrl + click here

Proudly sponsored by Pittwater RSL Club